The Amber Range helps Double Bass players find the exact combination of stickiness, grip, traction & lyrical quality to suit their playing needs.
These recipes do not dry out like other rosins and one recipe would last 1-2 years with intensive playing. You can also mix them on the bow for a more customized result.
CodaBow offers two bass rosin recipes: 30% and 50%. The higher the percentage, the softer the rosin.
While maintaining the lyrical qualities of the harder solo rosins, this recipe range offers a little more 'stick' at the beginning of the note allowing for greater projection when needed.

Much softer and stickier, these rosins are designed to offer superior strength of 'stick' and power, particularly for the lower or extended strings.

GRIP: The strength of ‘stickiness’ at the beginning of the note
TRACTION: The strength of the stickiness for sustained bowing
LYRICAL QUALITY: How well the rosin performs for singing quality, particularly in higher registers.
POWDER CONTENT: How much powder resin is included.
PLIABILITY: How soft or malleable the rosin is in your hand.
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