Marquise GS Violin

  • $1,295.00

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Marquise GS is the best bow on the market!!!

I have a Marquise GS for both my violin and my viola. They really draw out the most beautiful notes! Sometimes at the community orchestra practice I hear some incredible music and cannot believe I am making it! It's all because of this magnificent Marquise GS bow. I also highly recommend the Prodigy bows for practice. Thank you Coda Bows!!!

Nick Johnson
The greatest bow ever!

I’ve got a marquise for cello and now for the violin too. Fast passage, chopping, mellow sounds, this bow is the best for any play styles! When I play with cheap carbon fiber bow, I feel some kinda resistance especially on the fast passage and playing the nice and smooth melody, ordinary carbon bow would sound like harsh but this marquise, it’s almost like a wood bow! Easy to control, perfectly fits to your hand, nice sound, everything you need is on this bow!

Jeff Silverstein
Astonished, I am!

Years ago a very well known fiddler told me that after he got his new bow, I have no idea who the maker was, it changed his playing. Inwardly, I kind of scoffed because this guy had been great forever and, really, a bow changed HIS playing???. Well, now I know what he was talking about. Not that I'm by any means great (I'd settle for ok), and I have had a CodaBow Classic for a really long time, but I did a trial with 6 bows and my CodaBow Classic, and each time the Marquise GS came into my hand it was a different world.

I had intended to get a Diamond GX because it's basically an updated CodaBow Classic and I love my Classic. I just needed another bow so I would stop borrowing from friends when it's rehair time. And I included the Marquise in the trial only because a friend extolled its virtues and I had room for one more bow in the trial.

But the Marquis changed my playing, just like to guy said. My hand is calmer and moves that I had to work hard for came much, much easier, and, er, sounded better, if I do say so myself.

Let's just say I could not be happier with the Marquis GS.